October 25th, 2011 at 05:43 am
We are now down to $8,500.....feels good!
We are really hacking this thing down.
Gotta get it paid off soon.
DH is in talks with me for a new car possible sometime next year 
That is for another post.....blech!
Posted in
September 2nd, 2011 at 04:18 am
Ugh....lots of money out the door today.
Mortgage: $961
Credit Card: $750 (pd in full)
Deposit down on dd2's club soccer $200
I also had our travel agent charge $1000 to towards our cruise in April. That won't hit the credit card until next due date though.
I got paid on Wed and dh gets paid on Friday. I hate it when we get paid the same week. DH gets paid every other Friday...never changes. I on the otherhand, get paid on the 15th and either the 30th or 31st. It is usually fine but I like it much better when we are paid on opposite weeks....kind of like getting paid every week. Makes the cash flow much better.
Posted in
Credit Cards,
Personal Finance
June 21st, 2011 at 04:12 am
To the suv loan! I believe we are now down to $10,000 even. Some months it is a bit tough but we are commited to getting that loan paid off. We are so far ahead on the loan now that it feels good to know if we ever needed to skip some payments we could. It's nice having that cushion!
Posted in
May 14th, 2011 at 07:40 pm
Managed to send another $500 to our car loan. This brings the new balance to $11,000.
It feels good to see that balance going down, down, down!
Posted in
March 21st, 2011 at 06:03 pm
Sent $1200 to the SUV loan. It cleared this morning so the new balance is $12,000.00....Yipee!
Posted in
January 8th, 2011 at 03:31 am
For once
As expected, I received a raise on Thursday....2%, again, about what I expected with the economy and all. I am not complaining at all! DH's bonus came through today and that was immediately transferred to savings.....currently at $19,000 now....very exciting. We also sold a few things on Craigslist....a portable dvd player we bought (off of craigslist) to use on our road trip last summer and also our old entertainment center that was in our 4th bedroom we use as a tv room...so, an extra $140 to savings also.
We were going to sell the tv that we replaced recently but decided to see if dh's mom wanted it....it was a 32 inch and she was using a 19 inch.....she was very happy to have it. She is giving dd1 her 19 inch flat screen to use at college....dd is changing roommates and the one she is changing to doesn't have a tv. She really doesn't have alot of time to watch tv and most of the time she and her friends watch tv in the lounge together but sometimes they just want to "chill out" in their own room
We have had a couple of no spend days recently....a rareity for sure and the bank account definately reflects that.
And that my friends, is a GOOD thing
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Personal Finance,
Saving Money